In 2008, I was fortunate enough to be featured on the cover of Inc. Magazine.
At that point, I had been CEO of three venture-backed startups and was in search of my next one.
I couldn’t have predicted then a future where I’d be coaching rather than “doing”, but everything I did in my career and life seems to have led me to what I love doing now – helping brilliant venture-backed CEOs build great companies.
Speaking of not being able to predict the future, sharing that January 2008 cover with me was Donald Trump, Tony Robbins, Jack Ma, and Facebook (“not always you best friend”).
I bet I wasn’t alone in not envisioning a future where
- Donald Trump would become President,
- Jack Ma would be worth $65B,
- Facebook’s machine-learning algorithms would contribute to strong political discord in our country,
- and that I’d follow Tony Robbins into CEO Coaching
What will the future hold for you?
Anything is possible!